Monday, May 9, 2011


Pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala daerah kabupaten Dogiyai telah ditetapkan pada bulan juni Tahun 2011 telah ditetap sebagai bulan pemilihan kepala daerah oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kabupaten Dogiyai, Namun sampai saat ini para kandidat yang sudah mendaftarkan diripun saja tidak jelas dengan pasangannya dan ada yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan pencalonan menjadi ketua dan wakil bupati dogiyai nanti, tetapi menurut ketua KPU telah mempublikasikan bahwa Pemilukada di tunda ke tahun depan 2012, ini menandakan bahwa benar-benar pemerintah daerah telah sangat gagal melaksanakan Otonomi, maka itu daerah ini segera bergabung kembali dengan daerah induk kabupaten Nabire alasannya apa ditunda ke tahun 2012,alasan tidak ada Dana itu sangat tidak masuk akal, pemerintah pusat memberikan otonomi daerah maka punya perhatian khusus dalam hal (dana pelaksanaan pemilihan) dan lainnya dana ini dilarikan kemana ??harus jelas!.

Daerah –daerah pemekaran dianggap tidak berpretasi sehingga akan digabungkan dengan daerah induk, Apabila benar bahwa kabupaten pemekaran baru yakni kabupaten Dogiyai untuk pemilukadanya ditunda ke tahun depan berarti itu tandanya bahwa pemerintahan daerah belum siap atau belum bisa memimpin maka itu perlu untuk di gabungkan kembali dengan kabupaten induk adalah kabupaten Nabire.Sebab ada undang-undang pemerintah tertentu yang mengatur sesuai pemerintah daerah 32/2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah.

Jika daerah-daerah yang telah di beri kebebasan untuk mengatur daerahnya sendiri maka daerah tersebut harus ada hasil jika tidak ada hasil atau mandiri untuk mengatur daerah tersebut seperti halnya kabupaten Dogiyai yang sedang terjadi sekarang, sudah 4 tahun berjalan tidak ada perkembangan apapun dudaerah maka kabupaten ini pantas dan segera digabungkan dengan kabupaten induk atau daerah induk, sebab jika kita melihat perkembangan dogiyai selama ini hamper 4 berjalan tidak ada letak ibu kota yang jelas, pemilihan kepala daerahnya saja ditunda-tunda terus sejak ada pemekaran ini sampai sekarang ditahun di tunda lagi ke tahun depan 2012, ditunda dengan alasan yang tidak masuk akal tidak ada dana untuk pelaksanaan pemilukada di Dogiyai, apakah untuk melaksanakan kegiatan seperti ini tidak ada porsi atau dana khusus dari pemerintah pusat???. Otonomi hasil pemekaran yang dianggap tidak berprestasi bisa dihapus atau digabungkan dengan daerah induk.
Saya sangat setuju dengan undang-undang pemerintah pusat yang telah menegaskan bahwa daerah gagal laksanakan otonomi akan digabung di TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta pada hari selasa 19 April 2011.” Penggabungan dilakukan jika dalam tiga tahun berturut-turut prestasi daerah itu tidak juga membaik," kata Direktur Jenderal Otonomi Daerah Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Djohermansyah kabupaten atau Djohan, di Jakarta.

Daerah kabupaten Dogiyai sangat memakan waktu yang lama sehingga banyak sekali pembangunan yang menjadi kendala dan tidak maju sehingga dianggaplah daerah ini belum siap untuk membangun daerah belum bisa mandiri karena penilaian pemerintah pusat untuk daerah otonominya seperti: Tata kelola pemerintahan publik, Daya saing daerah, pengelolaan keuangan daerah dan lainnya, dogiyai belum bisa membuktikan juga terbukti sampai saat ini sehingga pantas jika digabungkan kembali ke kabupaten Induk Nabire
Writting by. tebay

Monday, April 4, 2011

BMS Strengthen Bones Leg

A new study reveals children who receive breast milk have stronger leg bones when compared with children who did not receive milk of mother.

Chairman Enrique Garcia Artero research from the University of Granada, said his research involving 567 participants. They were asked about consumption of milk is obtained as a baby Then they tested do physical activities like aerobics and some activities that use the power of the foot.

As a result, participants who got Breast milk has a leg bone strength better. Even participants who obtain Breast milk exclusively, ie for two years, has the most excellent bone strength. In addition, those who received milk of mothers for a year have a good immune power against allergies, skin diseases, obesity, and diabetes.

In fact, for mothers who breastfeed, give milk of mothers to child benefits reduce postpartum bleeding, anemia, and reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Food and kids' IQ

BEWARE type of food consumed by your child. Recent research conducted the University of Bristol, England, found a close association between the type of food and level of intelligence of children.

Research conducted on 3366 infants born in 1991 and 1992. Parents were asked to answer questions about the type of food consumed by their children at the age of 3, 4, 7, and 8.5 years. Intelligence level then measured by using the method of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children when they were 8.5 years old.

The result-fat foods and high sugar are known to decrease the level of intelligence of a child. Conversely, a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients can increase their intelligence. (HealthDay/Mps/X-5)

Children With Learning Papua Not a True Master and Method

In an interactive broadcast which aired on education in Papua Jayapura Date 22-02-2011 TVRI with speakers from the representative of Papua yohanes Jonah Yoris Surya Institute, Prof. Yohanes Surya, Regent and former Regent John Tabo Kerom Tolikara. Jonah Yoris mention the program initiated by John antut Institute of Solar ias very positively by the Government of Papua, and now has 16 districts in Papua, which already work together. There are still many districts are requesting to work with John Surya Institute, he said.

Program of the John Surya Institute, among others, coaching students who have potential in the field of science. They are driven motivation to engage in science competitions in the National and International level. Yohanes Surya Institute also trains teachers in the field of science (Mathematics, Science, English) in cooperation with UNESCO. Future Yohanes Surya Institute will continue to cooperate with the government prepares potential teachers. They will be trained at the College of Teachers Training Institute Yohanes Surya for 5 years.
Prof. Yohanes Surya, who attended as a resource, to feel the burden to make Papua a quality education, because John Surya Institute has been committed with the Province of Papua through the Department of Education and Teaching to nurture the children of Papua. A total of 132 children in Papua, we are trained for 2 years, and that our children are trained, some of those who have won competitions at regional and international science. Papuan children are not stupid, as this slama by many people named, but the children of Papua for not getting the same opportunity to learn with a good method by which a professional teacher. It is very obvious because, children cared for at the Institute of Solar initially they had no basis for counting. Selection of what we do first with Tolikara and Jayawijaya, the results of all participants almost did not pass. And at the request of Mr. Pak Bupati time. Jhon Tabo asks us to bring several children to Jakarta for their further developed at the Institute of Solar. The kids adjusted pretty quickly and within 3 months they've been following the competition at the regional level, among those there who got Gold Medal, Silver, and Bronze, proud.
Support the Government of Papua

The Papuan provincial government in particular 16 district / city in Papua province did not waste this golden opportunity. As expressed by Mr. Former Regent Tolikara. Jhon Tabo. The first time I met Mr. Yunus Yoris. Chairman of Surya Institute of Papuan representatives, then he describes some programs that work on solar institute. George Saah Papuan gold medalist is one of the built Surya Institute. I immediately invited Yohanes Surya to Tolikara for selecting children to be admitted in Tolikara Surya Institute, he said.

Until the year 2011 has 16 districts that have collaborated with the Surya Institute. One of the local government support has contracted partnership with Surya Institute until 2015. The program is to prepare for future human resource assets of the Papuans, the government has been very much thinking in this regard. The question is, What about the future of other Papuan children are not touched by Surya Institute program?.

Surya Institute have seen much that future Papuan children also have the same opportunities as children elsewhere in Indonesia, studying with the correct method by which a professional teacher, Surya Institute will cooperate with all local government district / city in Papua (Papua and West Papua) to prepare 150 teachers at the College of Teacher Training at the Surya Institute for 5 years ahead for Papuan students are also expected to receive a quality education service.

Output is expected of the program include Surya Institute for Papuan children who were fostered after 10 years we have a young doctor-doctorate in the field of science. Not when we prepare the importance of professional teachers, teachers who can teach the correct method, so the next 5 years the schools in Papua have professional teachers in the field of science.

How is coaching the same for children who are studying papua through Elementary School Teacher Education program (PGSD) in UNCEN and at other universities in Indonesia and how coaching for children who are school papua Klose Education in Papua (KPG) in 5 districts / cities in Papua so that later become professional teachers, as they have a great chance to become a teacher in Papua. Hopefully they do not forget this other.

Papua Need Leaders Who Dare to Take Innovative Policies in Education.

History has proven that education is the most essential thing in life of nation and state community. Through education will bear critical intellectuals and education can save people from ketertindasannya, also can save people from an alienation. Education for the development of quality human sumberd ... aya (Human resources) is a complex issue. About education in Papua, according to various parties running very slow and the concrete quality of education in Papua should be recognized is very weak. Addressing the problems of education in Papua needed a breakthrough that needs to be done that is innovative in seeking an appropriate model.

Proposal Fifti inhibit Final Cost Aid Disbursements Student Origin Dogiyai District

This was conveyed by Drs. Andrew Yobe, M. Hum Head of Department of Education, Youth and Sports County Dogiyai when met on the sidelines of the National Education conference held March 15-18 Events Calendar dated 2011 in Sawangan Depok. Of the nearly 100-plus final proposal of the proposed student, currently Department of Education, Youth and Sports Dogiyai District are conducting the assessment.  

In fiscal year 2011 Dogiyai District has allocated funds amounting to Rp.4 billion through DIPA satker Office of Education Youth and Sports. These funds are allocated to three major activities namely first is educational aid for teachers of elementary school education qualification Teacher Education School graduates this year there are seventy-one teachers (thirty-five of the district Mapia and thirty-five teachers from kecematan Kamuu) to attending the State University of Manado. the second is the Help for teachers who are following the selection of certification exams as many as thirty-seven teachers in Jayapura and the third Assistance to student final project. A sum is not enough because the District has a number of teachers Dogiyai nearly 300 people who are high school graduates Teacher education equivalent to finance their studies in the hope they can meet academic qualifications to follow the appropriate teacher certification reference to Law No.14 of 2005 on Teacher and Lecturer. In addition there are many students elementary, junior high school gives scholarships to our economy, especially those parents can not afford or orphans (father or mother died), and student achievement must also be motivated by scholarship.  

Funds that this little extra service should be selective to establish prospective final beneficiaries. Department would feel guilty if it turns out that our assistance is receiving aid was not a student who really is the final task (has a right), the Office uses many sources to find out the truth of a student who is really final. In a time not too long service will provide assistance to students directly into the account on behalf of the students concerned or service that directly down into the city each study, will be decided jointly by the committee. Education Department does not concur with the proposed number of chairman of Institute of students dogiyai for funds transferred to the account on their behalf. He said the experience had known this method is less encouraging so we do not respond, he said.